No, not a prayer meeting. In fact not religious at all. But I think in these troubled months, it is right to take time for our deeper souls and reflect on the meaning of life and Being.
I’ve been on a parallel track for many years, healing minds and souls, as well as my medical skills. I have always thought of myself as “healing the world”. I’m a fixer, I fix things!
Well, in these dark and troubled times, it seems obvious the world needs help, for sure. Let’s see what we can do together.
Now this is NOT one of those New Agey get togethers, where we all think positive collective thoughts and the world will come to rights. There’s plenty of that out there.
Instead I shall be sharing deep and useful wisdom, starting with the whole nature of being. As I wrote in by book Medicine Beyond, if our world is truly created from the top down, and not molecules from the bottom up (crazy idea), then we are—we MUST be—non-material spirits: no matter, energy, space or time.
No time means we are immortal, we cannot die, we cannot UN-be! Think about that and you’ll realize that the true nature of being changes EVERYTHING about our world.
Science isn’t anti-spirit. Only scientists are anti-spirit, most of them anyway. But here’s some science that I think of as scripture: it’s a picture of a mammal brain (mouse) a few microns across; alongside a picture rendition of the Cosmos on the vastest possible scale, hundreds of billions of light years across…
They are almost identical! Does that mean the Cosmos is alive and consciously aware? Wouldn’t that be something?
Well, let’s talk about it on Sunday! You will be allowed to speak. Everyone can join in. This is NOT a class, not a sermon! It’s a sharing of knowledge that’s sacred.
Sunday 17th May 2020: