Full On Connectedness

As kids we have no trouble with the nature of reality. We can see anything we want to see; imagine anything that excites us; meet with beings nobody else can see; and do cool stuff that only magicians (and kids) can do!

This much freedom so freaks the adults that they treat it, quite literally, as a disease: it’s like a kind of mental diarrhea or green snot on the brain. You have to clear the “symptoms” for the child to grow up normally.

Then we spend the rest of lives wanting to get back to the playful, interactive reality we knew as kids. Does that make any sense?

Listen to a new view of what adult interactive reality should be!

How To Think Like Einstein

How to think (not WHAT to think) is what should be taught in schools. Unfortunately they dopn’t teach that. In Medieval times, scholars were required to enrol on the “Trivium” 3-part skills logic, grammar and rhetoric. Today, logic is a lost art. But it’s actually very entertaining and, if I may say, I have done a really good job of examining and taking apart more than half a dozen species of logic and comparing them. 

Greatest of all we may call “Einsteinian” logic, in respect to the great man. It defined 20th century thinking, as opposed to previous clumsy logic, such as Aristotelean duality (“You are either with us or against us,” which is nonsense).

Einsteinian logic is characterized by an infinite series of steps, shading from one state to another. It’s BRILLIANT when you gasp it!

In the talk I mentioned a PDF file. It’s not fancy but it has all the words you need. You can download it here: scripturesinthemaking.com/downloads/einstein-logic.pdf

Self Remembering

Being aware that you are aware and seeing yourself in play, is a skill George Gurdjieff (1866-1949) called “self remembering” but that may have suffered in translation. The ability to see yourself being yourself has been called “witnessing” or the “observer” phenomenon.

Simple as it sounds it is one of the most profound spiritual abilities, denied all but a very few, who take the trouble to learn it.

In the talk I mentioned a PDF file. It’s not fancy but it has all the words you need. You can download it here: scripturesinthemaking.com/downloads/self-remembering-notes.pdf