We’re Gonna Change The World From The Inside Out!

We do not denigrate existing scriptures but take the view these are over 2,000 years out of date, written by men who knew nothing of computers, cars, television, smartphones, medicines, social media and all the paraphernalia of 21st-century living.

It is vital we update our experience and strategies, which were evolved for small warlike, desert-bound tribes and serve little today, except to create divisions among Humankind. The world is too far advanced and too crowded to allow such a them-and-us mentality.

So even if the term “New Scriptures” seems a bit arrogant to you, please forgive us. It is that we are tired of hatreds, war and intolerance, tired of the injustices, tired of watching children suffer and perish and sickened by the loss of Mother Nature’s benevolence, not because we consider ourselves “chosen by God”, or any other divisive posture.

Rather, we think of ourselves as smart humans, able to figure our way past most problems and get good—or at least better—outcomes, without having to disadvantage others to do so.